Skination developer Apps

Ski Nation 1.15
The Ski Nation mobile app features updatedsnowconditions, trail reports, trail maps, photos, andresortinformation for more than 950 ski areas in North America. Allskivenues are pre-loaded on Ski Nation including downhillalpineareas, cross-country, and ski jumps. The list includesmajorresorts, regional areas, local ski hills, and communityfacilities.More areas will be added as they are found.Skiers and snowboarders can collect free digital pins to trackalifetime of all the places they’ve been, how many seasons onsnow,gear preferences, skill, and more. The pins can be sharedwithfriends on Facebook, Twitter, or email with links to theresortswhere collected.Ski Nation is FREE and for all skiers and snowboarders regardlessofage, experience, skill, or their home mountain. Users canbuildtheir on-snow profile for nine gear categories, home skiarea,favorite mountain, skill and first time on skis.The first version of Ski Nation is a starting platform to buildanopen, independent, and comprehensive network for skiersandindustry members to connect.Ski Nation is built by skiers without control by a singleresort,manufacturer, media company, or marketing agency. It’sabroad-based free flow of information and a way for small skiareaoperators and gear companies to participate in the mobile apparenaregardless of their financial resources.For skiers, it’s free and their personal information is secure.Inaddition to ski area vitals, the mobile app rotates triviatidbitsto engage users in the rich history and culture of ridingsnow.Future plans include the opportunity for resorts, gearcompanies,and sponsors to make information and offers availabledirectly toskiers on an opt-in basis.